ISO4406 Super Clean Hydraulic & Diesel Tanks from Nichol McKay

Nichol McKay has many years experience of Diesel and Hydralic Tank manufacture utilising state of the art equipment and processes.
To meet the extreme cleanliness demands of our OEM customers for Diesel and Hydraulic Tanks, Nichol McKay are one of the few companies in the UK to operate a sophisticated tank washing plant capable of achieving ISO 4406 Cleanliness Code.
Post manufacture, the interior of the tanks are washed using a high temperature saline and detergent mix under pressure from oscilating wash heads. The effluent is inspected under a microscope for particulate contamination which is progressively measured to ensure cleanliness compliance to the given standard. The interior of the tanks are then treated with corrosion inhibitor and hermetically sealed to prevent any contamination. This maximises the reliability of hydraulic and fuel systems , by minimising component failure and significantly reduces contamination related warranty costs.
If your product would benefit from this specialised capability, please contact us to discuss your requirements.